Grow Reflective Grow Reflective

What Now!? Changing the Soundtrack to your Life

What is your theme song played on repeat?

You’ve ended one of your closest relationships. The ups and downs, thrills and dumps have come to a full circle now you look back retrospective, catching all the Easter eggs you’ve missed along the way. You feel triumph. The horns are blaring on the loudspeakers of your life’s soundtrack; “you’ve overcame, you did it”. Within the choir’s jubilation cheerleading for your success, you cannot help but feel a tinge of sadness.  

You follow the path of sadness to find it’s source and you see a large outcropping, deserted with lost hopes, dreams, whims and musings. You sense this is the place where you buried all your aspirations and unfinished projects. You watched 2-story buildings of fleeting thoughts erect and fall in an endless cycle of procrastination. You gasp, as the slug of past creativity moves snail pace across the darkened landscape of your innermost mind.

“….It’s time to compose a new soundtrack to your life”

No one told you in recovery your sense of purpose would be questioned. Maybe they did. Maybe you were so happy to finally get off the wagon you filed that conversation away for “later”. After years of wondering through life fucked up, buzzed, lit, hazed, tipsy, off-kilter, your most sober moments are now being confronted with all the shit you never got done, lost opportunities sunken beneath your unmarketable portfolio, and you feel defeated. Before, this type of introspection may have had you reaching for the next distraction but you know better; it’s time to compose a new soundtrack to your life.

Defeat is only a lesson for you to manage your expectations wisely and review your reconnaissance for a clearer play-by-play of plans in action. Sometimes the forgotten goal list can be recovered, like a hard drive, it can be backed up. Not all is lost. And yes, some things on that goal list, those missed opportunities at that time, in that particular space are gone; those doors closed. And you may have regrets. You may stand at the closed doors of your past desperate for it to open, and you attempt to pry it ever so slightly with guilty thoughts and remorseful tugs but nothing. The ignorance of youth, colorful feelings of novel journeys and heightened moments of the past replay themselves over and over. And the more you rewind, the stronger the sorrow becomes. And the stronger the sorrow, deeper the depression. Cumbersome are the memories that keep you wake at night. You become clocked out. No one is home. Shop closed for good. All lights turned off.

“Do not be tempted by waves of sadness to undo all the progress you’ve made thus far”

This may become your new persona. Becoming a shell of your former light. Ruminating about situations, circumstances and facts you cannot physically change. Allowing your self to sink ever so deeper into disrepair, knowing not even a drink, a smoke or high can bring back all the missed moments at success, prosperity and a fruitful life. It’s a hard pill to swallow, especially if you are in the dark about any life purpose to begin with.

When people hit this stage of recovery, some may succumb to these emotions and get back on the wagon and ride the shit outta it. Why? Because the sheer percentage of loss does not reflect aspirations to create bigger and better next time round’ because they have no vision of that. Do not be tempted by waves of sadness to undo all the progress you’ve made thus far. You can allow those waves of sadness to wash over you, but you do not need to start creating storyboards of perpetual waves crashing you into oblivion until it numbs all common sense out of you.

This is how things spiral and become entities unto themselves. Then you cycle with emotion/feeling/thinking and this entity becomes fed, stronger and now sits above any inkling of dreams you may have for your future because you’ve created it out of your despair. You may have an idea but the thought comes “oh, I can’t do that because ___________” insert a million reasons why something cannot be done and forget about even thinking about the dream.

“..Remorse cannot see the potential of it’s own divinity”

To break this insidious spell, you must be willing to connect with your broken heart and grieve what you have lost. But “permanent grieving equals permanent loss” so you cannot overstay your visit. You must pack your belongings, book your next ticket and bid the house of sadness farewell. Thank them for showing you where your pain was and also highlighting areas you can breathe new energy into. Perhaps with a different vision, some of those so-called unfinished plans are only unfinished because you abandon them.

“ Everything does come together, at one point or another “

Now you can create an inner home and adopt all these orphan ideas and start sifting. You may find some gems here and there but most may no longer align with today’s intentions. And that’s ok. Because re-examination itself sparks the embers of creative essence and manifests fresh ideas, goals and aspirations. Visions you were blinded by when consumed with remorse, and remorse cannot see the potential of its own divinity.

It's time to wake up and smell the bullshit. The bullshit you keep telling yourself and start cleaning. Clear your mind, cleanse your spirit and re-empower yourself to stay awake through these dreadful aspects of recovery. It’s the teeny-tiny steps of appreciating yourself, taking confidence there is a divine purpose and making the behavioural changes to make that shit happen. And if it doesn’t happen exactly as you expected, manage your expectations accordingly but don’t let them override how spirit operates in the background. Everything does come together, at one point or another, just embrace the process and surrender it all to your soul’s wisdom and allow your ego to serve at the feet of your divine and formidable genius. Now that’s the greatest soundtrack to your life.

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